Knowing the Narcissist : Does the Narcissist Think About You Afterwards

    The narcissist has disengaged from you. No matter what position you are in the fuel matrix, you are likely to wonder “Does the narcissist still think about me?” The answer to this common question can apply to any appliance but it is most asked by the disengaged IPPS because it is the IPPS […]

Knowing the Narcissist : The Immediate Aftermath of Disengagement

  You have been dis-engaged from. The all too inevitable entanglement with our kind. Whether we disappeared without a word, told you we needed space for ourselves or hurled insults at you as to why we hated you and wanted you to drop dead, the fact remains you have been dis-engaged from. Your emotions are […]

7 Sayings on Cessation

  1. After everything that I have done for you. How can you leave me after everything that I have done for you? I gave you the world and now you have thrown back in my face. I of course only gave you everything because I wanted something from you. I did not give you […]

Knowing the Narcissist: ‘Til Death Do Us Disengage

  The word ‘discard’ is well-known in the lexicon of the narcissistic world.  Disengage is actually accurate, but I shall use discard here purely for the sake of familiarity. It forms one of the four cornerstones of the narcissistic embrace. This embrace applies to nearly all appliances and is most common with the Intimate Partner […]

7 Sayings on Cessation

  1. After everything that I have done for you. How can you leave me after everything that I have done for you? I gave you the world and now you have thrown back in my face. I of course only gave you everything because I wanted something from you. I did not give you […]