Enlist a Dark Mind


Still seeking answers?

Need explanations in a private forum?

Want to achieve freedom?

Now you can engage with HG Tudor through a confidential private e-mail consultation.

Ask up to 4 questions about your own situation or narcissism in general and receive detailed, clear and understandable answers.

Provide background to your current position and then pose your questions and receive the benefit of HG Tudor’s expertise.

  1. Make payment using the PayPal button on the left hand sidebar of the blog ‘Knowing the Narcissist’
  2. Once payment has been notified you will receive e-mail confirmation and a copy of the e-mail protocol governing the consultation.
  3. Ask up to 4 questions by e-mail
  4. Receive a detailed e-mail response to your questions, privately and tailored to your specific circumstances.
  5. Gain understanding and enlightenment.

Get HG Tudor in your corner and beat your narcissist!

9 thoughts on “Enlist a Dark Mind

  1. CMonique says:

    This prívate consultation is Still available? If so, What’s the cost? Thanks a Lot

    1. HG Tudor says:

      It is – US $ 150. Please see the menu bar for more information.

  2. Stephanie Farlow says:

    Greetings, again ….I started to write the story of my almost twenty year span of dealing with my Narc. I realized that I haven’t even gotten to the past 3 and a half years which are the most crucial and it is quite long. So I wondering if I should just make brief mention of the period before we ended up being more romantically involved and much more intimate ? I am trying to decide if it would be more helpful for you to help me if you knew the story in it’s entirety ? I will probably do the consultation this Sunday. Please advise. Thank you Stephanie

    On Jan 26, 2017 2:42 PM, “Knowing the Narcissist” wrote:

    > HG Tudor posted: ” Still seeking answers? Need explanations in a private > forum? Want to achieve freedom? Now you can engage with HG Tudor through a > confidential private e-mail consultation. Ask up to 4 questions about your > own situation or narcissism in general and receive” >

  3. My question is what happened to the creature book HG?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      It remains a work in progress GG.

  4. Sleeping next to the devil says:

    Great idea. When I read your posts, it’s as if my husband is the one writing under a pseudonym! Whenever I make my exit, I’m going to have to hire you as a consultant during divorce and child custody battles! You’d probably do me more good than the lawyer.

    1. HG Tudor says:


  5. Bringing Tea and scrumpets says:

    What a great idea! Although you spoil us already on here by answering questions as well as the numerous blogs and u tubes! All very informative and helpful while entertaining 🙂

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Thank you and indeed I do.

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