The Magnet Empath



The Magnet Empath. This is an empathic individual who has certain magnetic tendencies which are layered onto their classification as an empath, super empath or co-dependent. The Magnet Empath is a person that people are instinctively and naturally drawn to. This person has an inner light which is easily recognised by certain people; those who are in need.

The Magnet Empath might be sat on a tube train when the person next to them will find an irresistible urge to want to tell them that they are travelling to an important interview and they are feeling nervous. The Magnet Empath might be waiting in line to be served in a shop when the customer behind them begins to tell them about their concerns and worries, or where the Magnet Empath is sat watching the swans on a lake when a stranger will sit beside them and start to tell their life story.

If you find that complete strangers have a tendency to share intimate and private details with you at the drop of a hat, that they feel a need to off load to you within moments of meeting you and confide in you about their hopes, fears and problems, then you have this magnetic quality.

You draw those in need to you. This is because you shine with this inner light which acts as a beacon of hope and that is what the Magnet Empath embodies; hope. Your empathic nature lights up rooms, illuminates the darkest of situations and brightens the dullest day and this is because you are a walking beacon of hope.

The Magnet Empath moves with confidence and purpose. There is no swagger or arrogance in the way that they enter a room, this person glides, they are serene and elegant. You will not witness any timid scurrying or rolling shoulder bluster, but somebody who is calm and assured. This individual has a clear sense of self – something which appeals to our kind – and this radiates wherever they are. Heads turn, eyes focus and people gravitate towards the appearance of the Magnet Empath. People’s faces light up, there is a lifting of the mood and people want to be seen with and to be next to the Magnet Empath.

Whereas our kind expects this kind of reaction from those around us and indeed seeks and demands it, the Magnet Empath accepts attention with grace and humility. They are not shy, they are not reserved, but there is none of the bluff and bragging that would accompany the engagement of a narcissist with those assembled. The Magnet Empath moves amongst people with a lightness of touch, an encouraging smile, a soft hand placed on the arm and hope shines from him or her.

The Magnet Empath will talk about themselves but in a manner which is encouraging and inspirational. Whilst our kind will also inspire it is done from a platform of declaring one’s own brilliance and you should be more like me.

Those with the magnetic empathy will inspire by explaining that the listener is already empowered they just need to release it and to explain that if the magnetic empath can achieve certain aims then so can the listener. They emphasise the connectivity between them and those they interact with, demonstrating how essentially, since they are empathic individuals, they are all cut from the same cloth.

The narcissist will demonstrate how we are a cut above and use jealousy and envy as motivational tools instead, demanding improvement, whipping individuals into action for fear of the consequences of not doing so, emphasising the difference between the narcissist and the listener and indicating, heavily, that the listener needs to shape up or ship out, go big or go home, if he or she is to achieve anything.

He or she is content for others to share the limelight and indeed positively encourages it which contrasts with the spotlight stealing behaviour of our kind, but this also acts as an attracting factor to our kind. We identify somebody who can capture the spotlight but does not wish to hog it, allowing us to camp on to it instead.

The Magnet Empath wants to harness potential, bring motivation through the provision of hope, the instilling of belief and the raising of optimism. The Magnet Empath is not one of practicality however. They will not assume the mantle of responsibility for an individual and will not get their hands excessively dirty on behalf of another but rather their aim is to cause those around them to feel better in themselves through their own innate abilities, to tap into as yet unharnessed skills and attributes.

This person provides panache and style, bringing hope through words, rather than through actions, a person who can influence in a positive manner the lives of many. Whereas the Carrier Empath is a rugged and practical individual and tends to focus on assisting only a few people, sometimes often only one – usually our kind – the Magnet Empath can affect many people at once with their messages of hope and inspiration.

This individual always believes in hope. This is what drives them and causes them to provide extensive fuel generated by this hope. They hope that love can conquer all and therefore are significant love devotees. They refuse to give up, often flogging a dead horse, endeavouring to overcome the insurmountable. This hope often blinds those with magnetic tendencies to the reality of a situation and causes them to engage in courses of action which invariably result in harm to the empathic person. Blind hope will take them down a path which will be exploited by our kind.

Excellent fuel is generated by this gracious individual, their words inspiring, uplifting, praising and complimenting. They are content to say all of these words and expect little or nothing in return, save that the listener grasps hope and secures growth and achievement. The Magnet Empath is also easily led by false exhibitions of hope, the slightest glimmer is something that they will latch on to in the expectation of improvement and seeing changes. Where the narcissist gives this person cause to hope, it will cause the individual to remain in the grasp of the narcissist as they dangle hope before them to keep them bound.

Often this person need not say anything. Their composure and general demeanour marks them out as who they are, which means that many people engage with them as strangers, unaware that sub-consciously they are drawn to the Magnet Empath. These people are sought after as inspirational speakers, people who present prizes, open new buildings, support charitable trusts and such like and their popularity in this regard and the desire of people who just want to reach out and be touched by the Magnet Empath means that they will often find themselves pulled in many directions and spread thin.

This impacts on their energy levels as they feel unable to say no to anybody, not wanting to extinguish the hope that they have begun to cultivate. Instead the Magnet Empath will often take on many different obligations and functions for a wide variety of people with not only consequences for their own ability to deliver but their interaction with our kind when we have ensnared a Magnet Empath.

The Lesser Narcissist tend not to choose those with strong magnetic tendencies. This is because the jealous nature of the narcissist as a whole, but especially the less capable Lesser, means that they fear being overshadowed far too quickly and their resentment would be palpable notwithstanding their seduction. The Lesser’s low control threshold would result in him or her being unable to keep their fury under control during seduction and thus the seduction would fail. Accordingly, it is not attempted.

Furthermore, the Lesser will hate the attention that this individual would receive with the upshot that the Lesser would be ignored and overlooked. Unable to compete, the Lesser would be repeatedly wounded and notwithstanding the fuel that comes from the Magnet Empath, this would not be enough. Thus it is unusual to find a Lesser who has ensnared such a person.

The Mid-Ranger likes and wants those empaths with magnetic qualities as they encompass those attributes – charisma, likeability, people skills – which the Mid Ranger believes that he or she has and wishes to project to the world at large. Those with magnetic tendencies prove to be a double-edged sword however. The Mid Ranger will struggle to resist, naturally being drawn to this person for who they are because they are prime material for the narcissist, but find themselves awash with jealousy and envy once devaluation begins. During seduction, these traits can be kept in check and the Mid Ranger will appropriate the benign traits of the Magnet Empath for his own use, but once devaluation commences, he becomes coated in envy which will manifest as prolonged and repeated sulking silent treatments.

The Greater Narcissist revels in the Magnet Empath. Possessing similar levels of charm and magnetism, the Greater finds mirroring extremely easy in order to attract this type of empath. The Magnet Empath’s popularity is also appealing to the Greater who basks in the reflected glory of other people’s enthusiasm, praises the Greater for being with such a wonderful person and naturally soaks up the motivating and complimentary words of the Magnet Empath towards him or her. The Greater regards their acquisition as one which actually saves the Greater some work by attracting additional appliances which the Greater will draw fuel from, hijack as his own appliances and then turn against the Magnet Empath when the smearing commences during devaluation.

The Magnet Empath is a popular person with many empathic attributes, their energy level is not as great as other kinds since they engage more in words than actions, but that is not to say they do not act, just not to the same degree as other types of empath. They also have many demands on their time and attention which ultimately will clash with the desires of our kind, resulting in conflict and control. This will not only hurt this type of empath but result in them feeling torn since they feel obliged to assist others, not just the narcissist and this will result in the narcissist wishing to regulate those behaviours and isolate the Magnet Empath. Their capacity to draw people to them in whatever circumstance, even when not actively doing so, will irk the narcissist considerably during devaluation and provide him or her with the grounds for attack and triangulation.

An excellent fuel provider, both in themselves and the ability to bring others to the narcissist’s table and  the Magnet Empath is someone who hangs in there, always strung along by hope, which is at the centre of the magnet’s being,usually to their ultimate detriment during devaluation and also in terms of susceptibility to post discard/post escape hoovering.

The Empath Detector

15 thoughts on “The Magnet Empath

  1. Pingback: Når du er en magnet på psykopaten - Psykopatene blant oss
  2. Whitney says:

    Holy shit. Today at the hairdressers, a hairdresser who was doing someone else’s hair, randomly came up to me and told me about her drug abuse and relationship history, and more.

    Then another client who was getting her hair done told me her daughter tried to commit suicide… and I cried. I don’t think I could be a psychologist because I cry too easily.

    Yesterday a guy wanting to buy my car told me, within a minute, that he got bullied in school. He was very emotional. Deep pain.

    I don’t do much but listen and validate them.

    It’s a daily occurrence HG, my God. I’m like a travelling counsellor. But I don’t think of the people as strangers, because we meet and talk.

    One day on a walk 2 separate ladies cried to me.

    People share with me their deepest and utmost unresolved issue, as soon as we meet!

  3. leelasfuelstinks says:

    Do I have to comment here? 😂

    1. A Victor says:

      Hahaha, no….

      Good one!

  4. Whitney says:

    I’m a people magnet and that helps with his fuel acquisition HG. More efficient, when people are always swarming me. He can poach them. Dominate and take over, and show off from his relationship with me

  5. FYC says:

    HG, The first time I read this article I was amazed at how well you understood my experience. After spending time reading and absorbing your materials in-depth and interacting with you over the past few years, I am, of course, no longer surprised. I am so appreciative for your insight and wise counsel, thank you. I have passed on your name to very many people now and will continue to do so. Very few people understand this way of being. Having this orientation in a high percentage literally effects me at all times, wherever I go. It is not on occasion, but always an influence whenever I am in the presence of others. I always thought it was a bit strange, but also a gift. There is a certain amount of energy that is consumed in the process and it is necessary to renew that energy (most enjoyably through nature). As for hope, you are so spot on. Hope does inspire and even imparts a healing effect. Yet hope alone is not enough. We need knowledge and understanding to ground and guide us, and that is provided here brilliantly. When I meet a fellow magnet empath and describe this post, they feel understood for the first time and are eager to visit KTN. Your legacy grows daily.

    1. BC30 says:

      Ah! Significant Magnet!

  6. lonerose99 says:

    Wow so that’s why strangers tell me their life stories? I just figured they have no one to tell so they just blurt it out to anyone.
    Everyone has something to get off their chest…
    Heads turn when I walk in a room sometimes, yeah… sometimes I notice but I figure they are just nosy to see who’s coming thru the door next.

    The mid-range I knew was often jealous when my attention was diverted from him, right. Especially if somebody came up to me and he was with me. One would think I exchanged phone numbers for all the noise he made over it, let alone the false accusations 2 months later.

  7. A Victor says:

    Can we have a sense of self and not be aware of it? Is that a common thing for empaths or am I an oddball??? Haha.

    1. FYC says:

      Hi AV, Sense of self is literally your perception of your personality and a host of other attributes. Awareness would be required for what you consciously perceive. That said, there are many things we think, perceive, and do that operate from a well practiced orientation and thereby bypass our need for conscious prompting (like driving on autopilot down the same path). These well-established, unconscious neural pathways can be brought to conscious awareness and we can create new neural pathways with effort. This article explains the phenomenon well ( We also have orientations to relating to self and other that are formed in the first three years of life. These drive our perceptions and behaviors both primarily unconsciously via core beliefs that are adopted through what we experience from early primary caregivers (attachment style theory (Bowlsby, Ainsworth, et al.). I find both these areas of science and theory dovetail quite well with all that HG has written and support his exceptional framework and detailed descriptions. Competence in any area can be either conscious or unconscious (Hierarchy of competence). The first is unconscious incompetence (no awareness of what you do not know and do not do well), conscious competence (awareness of what you do not know and do not do well), conscious competence (awareness and knowledge of what you know and do well), unconscious competence (things that you know and do well that are effortless and inherently natural–do not require thought). Hope some of this is helpful for you.

      1. A Victor says:

        FYC, thank you! Wow, that is super helpful. All of it will make for some fun and interesting study. I am going to investigate the piece about the 0-3 first, that is of specific interest. Thank you so much!

        1. FYC says:

          Hi A V, here is a test to determine your own style (option b is free and confidential):
          This diagram plots the attachment style factors and orientation: attachment style diagram
          For more info on attachment style theory an overview can be found here:
          Note: it has been hypothesized that Ns most frequently fall within the Dismissuve Avoidant quadrant. They learn not to trust attachment and their coping mechanism enables them to feel more comfortable and confident without attachments.

          1. A Victor says:

            Thank you FYC, I did the tests in the other link you sent and realized at the end there were no explanations for the results. I will try these, thank you!

      2. A Victor says:

        That article is so exciting! I knew there had to be a way to improve neural pathways! Thank you again!

        1. FYC says:

          You are very welcome

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