When Narcissists Collide – Part One

  Many people are curious to know what happens when there is some narc on narc action? Do they recognise one another? Do they seek one another out? How do they react around one another? Do they gang up and is there a pack mentality? Can narcissists work together? Can two narcissists have a successful […]

Analysis : Cheating On The Partner With Two Others (Narcissist Vs IPPS, Candidate IPSS and Shelf IPSS)

  This article provides you with the analysis of an interaction between a Somatic Lower Mid-Range Narcissist and three Standard Empaths (one from the Magnet Cadre the other two from the Carrier Cadre). The emphasis is not about the schools and cadres of the participants (although the flavour will be evident) but rather on demonstrating the nature of […]

Why Is Divorce So Hard?

  The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale states that divorce is the second most stressful event that a person can experience in their lifetime, ranked behind the death of a spouse or the death of a child. Why is divorce so stressful? Why is it so painful? Why is it so hard? Many of you […]

Let Me Take You On A Trip

  When I first take you on board my yacht you will no doubt admire its sleek and pristine appearance. From the polished hull through to the crisp and pressed uniforms of its crew, my vessel exudes expense, opulence and desirability. You marvel at how magnificent it looks, the white of the hull contrasting with […]

Expanded Answers : What is the Interaction?

  Do you understand how the narcissist and the victim interact? Do you recognise challenge fuel? Do you know when wounding occurs? Do you recognise whether it is a manipulation and is so, which type? These are very important aspects of the narcissistic dynamic which every victim should understand since to do so will provide […]