Leave Me Alone


This is a frequent and plaintive cry from those who have been caught in my web. There are those that never realise what they have become involved in when they are targeted by my kind. They never leave and we never leave you alone. You are always there and available for us to extract some fuel from. We of course discard you but it is never a true parting of the ways. We only cast you aside in order to bring you back again. We do not really want to get rid of you. It is purely a device to ensure that we put you through the ringer again and extract some extra droplets of fuel from your battered and withered self. If you make no attempt to leave we will attach that metaphoric piece of elastic and bounce you back and forth. How long will that pushing and pulling go on for? Until you die. You will always serve some function to me. You will hang around and be used and abused until either you expire or I do and I never contemplate the latter for long.

What if you try to escape me? Well, the lesser narcissist will try to rope you back in but if you demonstrate sufficient resolve he or she will seek out a far easier target. The reality is there are so many people walking around oozing empathy, that they may as well have a target painted on their backs. We always find fresh fuel and without too much effort. Sometimes I do think that we attract you without having to do anything. I know how we are able to sniff you lovely empaths out, but I have started to wonder whether the super empaths that exist have some function for finding us. Their desire to fix and repair enabling them to home in our broken and warped ways and inadvertently they are drawn into our sights. The lesser narcissist will try to hook you back in, but eventually he or she will leave you alone. It may take a few months but you can avoid their clutches. Beware however, should you fly too close in the future we will shoot out a tendril and ensnare you again. Do not make the mistake of thinking that we ever forget how useful you are to us. We do not forget and should you attend an event where we are or decide out of some misguided sympathy to send a text asking how we are, we will come straight back after you.

That is the approach of the lesser narcissist but what of my breed, the greater narcissist. Will we ever leave you alone?


5 thoughts on “Leave Me Alone

  1. Adriana says:

    My ex i believe is a lesser he has a new supply and she has 3 kids that aren’t his. I have a child with him, he doesn’t leave me alone but it’s only because he has to see me and we have to email regarding our daughter. There has already been so much drama with his new supply he was still with me when he was with her I guess she is an easier target because the behavior is still the same. Tries to get back with me but is still with her. Frustrating just want him to completely move on and leave me out of it. 😣

  2. claire says:

    Oxymoron. that was his favourite word

  3. Insatiable Learner says:

    What about the mid-range, HG?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      To be continued.

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