Tell Tale

We have cast you aside after subjecting you to a litany of abuse, mistreatment and the full horror of our manipulative and disorientating repertoire. You have your absolute all in the pursuit of what you believed to be our perfect love. You have endured humiliation, denigration and belittlement yet you still hung in there, desperate […]

Attachment Is The Seat Of Misery

This is a capricious, arbitrary and hostile world. It must be brought to heel, tamed and subjected to the exertion of control. My control. This is why I must cause every appliance that I come across to become attached to me. From my next door neighbour who I say hello to and exchange banal pleasantries […]

Understanding Word Salad

What is word salad? Why do narcissists use it? What does it sound like? How do you deal with it? This provides you with a comprehensive example of word salad and then detailed explanations about its use and how you may tackle it. Toss the word salad here

Understanding Word Salad

What is word salad? Why do narcissists use it? What does it sound like? How do you deal with it? This provides you with a comprehensive example of word salad and then detailed explanations about its use and how you may tackle it. Toss the word salad here