How To Co-Parent With A Narcissist


Often viewed as one of the harshest outcomes from an ensnarement with a narcissist is the issue of children and co-parenting with the narcissist. A frequent question that is asked of me by many individuals who find themselves in this predicament, worn down and unsure of how to go about this in an effective manner for both themselves and also their child or children.

The most common reason given to failing to implement total no contact is the issue of shared parenting with a narcissist. The attempt to escape the nightmare of ensnarement is viewed as unachievable and increases the concern, fear and anxiety for the non-narcissist parent in feeling eternally chained.

Using HG Tudor’s established expertise with regard to the field of narcissists and narcissism, this Assistance Package addresses a wide range of matters in an easy-to-understand manner, with practical advice and tips which have been successfully used by individuals co-parenting with narcissists and all based on HG Tudor’s unrivalled understanding.

This Assistance package covers

Co-Parenting as part of your no contact regime

Tackling handover arrangements with regard to children

Reducing the risk of being hoovered because of co-parenting

Handling hoovers if they happen through the co-parenting regime

How to address communication with the narcissist with regard to co-parenting

What to do when the narcissist becomes problematic concerning arrangements

What to do where the narcissist involves a new partner with the children

What to expect in terms of the extent and regularity of the narcissist’s involvement in the co-parenting process

How to deal with joint decision-making, such as matters of education or health

How to handle occasions where joint appearances occur in relation to school or sporting events

Plus much more ground-breaking and supportive information.

To receive this information which costs US $ 125 for a comprehensive Assistance Package which you can access in your own time and at your own pace, simply use the PayPal button below to make payment and you will then receive a Common Sense Protocol which governs the Assistance Package and the Assistance Package itself.

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5 thoughts on “How To Co-Parent With A Narcissist

  1. Findinglife11 says:


  2. Brea Rosenthal says:

    I will be purchasing this the moment I can afford to. If (prepare for my “subtle” supplication!! Haha) ever you choose to give-away or charitably donate this or any or all of your IRL/personalized interactions…. I desperately need another mind to discuss strategy with and I’ve got no qualified candidates in my influence. I’ve read just about every word you’ve published oral and written in the two months I’ve been aware of your offerings.

    1. Anm says:

      Hey, Brea.
      I have been reading HG’s work since 2016. I have had the awful experience of trying to coparent with a malignant sociopath since, and coparent with a midranger for 8+ years. The rules in the game for Coparenting with the Narcissist ex will constantly change. If you cant afford a consultation, keep reading and posting. Chances are, I or someone has experienced what you are going through. HG has also been so gracious to answer random questions of mine on this platform, when I have been confused as one can be.

      1. Aubrea Rose says:

        Sounds like you have the same taste for punishment as I. I’m officially 18 years married today. Left (unplanned goso) after 7 years, filed the divorce, in and out of court whilst I was partnered for 6.5 years w another. I’ve 3 kids, 2 w the mister, 1 w the 2nd. I’m not going to publicly state these men’s MH, for the sake of prudence and having learned by experience that I am always being checked on. I lost my kids in 2014 to a joint effort and collaboration w everyone I shouldn’t have had to worry about. One single court date and I have not seen my older kids in 4 years, 11 months and 10 days. I became homeless for 3 of those years. My baby is home after over 3 years zero contact. No words for the gratitude I have for her return. Still have a lot to work through legally. My eldest hates me and refuses contact. Middle has just begun to text a tiny bit for the last month, because the youngest messaged them. Tonight I am filing for a visitation modification. That’s the shortest version I can manage and it doesn’t do any justice to the reality of the devastation and subsequent years of abuse my kids have been dealt, and for the two olders, still are helpless to escape. I have found my purpose in the ugliest parts of this and I’m working towards doing what Tudor is, only from the wizened empathic side of the coin…. w the added component of actually helping people to learn, protect, heal and rebuild themselves in the real life tangible way. I’d love to have him as a partner in the coming years.

        1. Anm says:

          I had a similar experience recently. Not as bad, but one hearing through everything off, and now I am stuck in a one year long court battle battle where the narcissist doesnt want to mediate, because the judge as temporarily ruled in his favor. I have my daughter a majority of the time still, because the narcissist is too busy to be a parent, but every time we go to court, his attorney keeps saying that she doesnt feel safe with the judge awarding me reasonable parenting privileges. It doesnt make sense, because it’s about the money and control. My ex doesnt have anything to prove I’m an unfit parent, so now they are either hyping up events from my past (before I was even a parent) or desperately making new conflict to find something new to present to courts. I feel fortunate that my daughter (AT MOMENT) has a great bond and relationship with me, but it never ends with Narcissistic Exes

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