Never Again

I have lost count of the times that I have been told “never again”. I have heard it said by other people who have met my kind even more often. I am entirely relaxed when I hear this phrase because I know that although your intentions are to never go through that dance again with me or one of my kind, it will happen.

We may be gone for some time but we will return and when we do we will resurrect all those wonderful memories as we seek to Hoover you back into our reality. The emotional attachment that we create is so great that even though you looked in the mirror every morning and mouthed “Never again” to yourself you will struggle to resist.

You cannot help but wonder if this time it will be different. You do not want to say no for fear of someone else receiving our amazing and scintillating love. You want it. You learned the lessons and as the introspective empath that you are (as well as suitably conditioned by us) you will blame certain things on yourself.

You will convince yourself, because you want to taste that mesmerising kiss once again, that we have changed and that this time it will be different. Why should someone else get to experience that wonderful love? That is not fair. You put up with the rough and the smooth. You have earned your stripes so it is only right that you get to have us again isn’t it? That is what you want.

When we first departed and you saw (for we wanted you to see) that we had found someone new it ripped you apart. Notwithstanding the full horror of your dance with us you hated the fact that someone else now basked in our glorious light. You wanted to warn them not because you cared about that person but because you wanted us back. You wanted us to yourselves.

You felt a sense of unfairness that she was now with us. You would lie awake wondering if I was saying the same things to her as I had said to you. You wondered how she would respond to that blazing, heavenly love that you once relished. Would I be the same for her as I was to you? You kept telling yourself that it was only a matter of time before she befell the same fate that you endured, yet the postings and pictures told a different story.

You began to worry. Had I changed? Had I become a better person after you? Was she somehow able to please me in a way that you could not? You had to know. You had sworn never again but now you wanted me back. You wanted her to go away and free me to be yours again so that you could apply your learned lessons and everything would be wonderful again.

She did not deserve me did she? But you did. You made such sacrifices. You opened your heart to me despite the daggers I drove into it. You served your time and you are entitled to your reward. Not this Jane-come-lately. You want to give us that chance to prove we can do it.

You want to show you brought benign influence to bear. You want to prove that the beast can be brought to heel in the most compassionate manner. You might say never again but you do not truly mean it. Not in your heart of hearts.
By contrast when we say “Never again” we most definitely mean it. Never again will your life be the same after meeting us.

Never again will you feel able to trust anybody after being subjected to our acid reign.

Never again will you be able to smell certain scents, hear certain songs and see certain places without breaking down in tears.

Never again will you love someone in the way that you loved us. Never again will you want somebody as much and in such an intense way as you wanted us.

Never again will you be able to feel calm and relaxed since for too long you have been subjected to a heightened state of anxiety.

Never again will you experience that euphoria you once had with us. So when you declare never again it is never truly meant, but what you fail to realise is just how many things will never again be the same for you.

9 thoughts on “Never Again

  1. bulletproofaf says:

    This is very close to home at the moment. Thank you for the read.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are welcome.

  2. christianmelchizedek says:

    Once I alter my dna using CRISPER-CAS9 combined with a strand of Q-Fever to target the Narcissist gene with a fatal retrovirus…passed by me to them with one kiss…”Never Again” will have a whole new set of teeth, and my “desire” to kiss again may return.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Uh oh, Dr Evil is in the house!

      1. Violetta says:

        Alas, it may all be old-fashioned cheapskate penny-wise-pound-foolish greed, not a concerted plan. According to some articles, there were protocols in place after 9/11 in case of an outbreak, whether natural or created by terrorists. Trump cut those programs because he figured they weren’t necessary:

        Before anyone accuses me of being anti-Trump, I’m sure Hillary would have done something equally disastrous in office, just with a different rationale.

      2. Christian Melchizedek says:

        Recently someone said to me they were sitting in the presence of Satan incarnate. My reply was, “His cousin, perhaps”.

  3. anneselby51Perhaps says:

    Hmm, all I felt was an overwhelming relief. Mind you, after twenty years I was fed up playing Trilby to his Svengali.

  4. Martha Torkington says:

    Yes never again , but it wasn’t real in the first place ! It’s living never never land ! So, yes never again will I allow me to drink the toxic love agin! And , fire that I am grateful !

  5. Pingback: Never Again ⋆ NarcTopia

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