I’m Too Sexy

I am an accomplished lover. I know I am.I have been told so on many occasions. Plus the noise, the pupil dilations, spasming and orgasmic flush all tell the same story. I know what I am doing and I do it to great effect. My sexual performance is a matter of great pride to me. […]

Forbidden Fruits

The concept of something being off limits means nothing to me. I am entitled to take what I want. That promotion at the office ? My name is already on the door. I won’t secure it by working hard. Oh no. I will take the credit for the endeavour of others. I will embark on […]

The Girl Next Door

Following on from my illuminating discussion with my neighbour’s wife (she is called Fiona by the way) I decided that I needed to make my next move. We had discussed which gym she was a member of and that she liked to attend at 7am. This posed no problem as I am an early riser, […]

Love Thy Neighbour

I noticed the wife of my neighbour was outside doing some gardening. I had seen him leave earlier so my opportunity had arisen. I slipped out of the rear of my house and clambered over the fence and then ran around the block to arrive back at the front of the house to give the […]

Talk is Cheap

I think it was FR David who sang ‘words don’t come easy to me’. He clearly wasn’t one of my kind. Words are my weapon. I love words. I am a thesaurus able to conjure up so many different ways of saying the same thing. I am able to create the most evocative of pictures […]