I Want


What does the Greater Narcissist want?

I Want

17 thoughts on “I Want

  1. Twilight says:

    It has been awhile sense I last read this one……reminds me of the power I “felt” he was feeling. Intoxicating in a dark way.

    I had to step back and regain who I am…..an empaths addiction to the narcissist combine with absorbing the narcissist addiction to power……I may never become a narcissist yet my own traits when they surface add this factor into things…..I am no angel yet one who brings ones personal hell to the fore.

  2. kel2day says:

    You might be a narcissist if..

    Isn’t it odd that parents only “forget” and leave their children in cars in the hot summer? They don’t seem to “forget” their kids in the Spring, Fall, or even Winter.

    I never forgot even my tiny quiet chihuahua’s, how do you forget something you just carried for nine months, that you diaper and feed, tiptoe around when they’re napping every hour of the day and night? Their “remorse” at forgetting them is excuses, not guilt.

  3. Lori H says:

    I could HEAR the narc’s voice in your words. All of it. I’m not in Kansas anymore, HG.
    Thank you for reminding me!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You are welcome.

      1. Jacqueline says:

        Your thoughts make me want to challenge you in a way…in the bedroom and out….that’s my darkside
        Messin with u for fun…traumabonds so fun

  4. Warrior says:

    So after me doing the leaving, not telling him why, and then blindsiding him by having charges laid against him, (he thought I never had the guts) going no contact for over 2 years now, I don’t even fathom he would ever try again.

  5. Hopefully, you will want it in instalements… Cruel and scary.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      If you pay by instalments the interest rate will make your eyes water or is that the devaluation that does that? Maybe both.

      1. myriflemyponynme says:

        Après “vous” le déluge.

    2. Veronica Quintela says:

      Today I’ ve lost. I knew I was playing with fire but I thought I would be able to get away with it unharmed. I had been reading all of HG’s material so what would possibly go wrong? “I can handle it. I can get into the wolf’s mouth and get out in one piece”, I believed. But you can never win a battle in the Narc’s battllefield, can you? I should have remembered that because I had also been warned about that by HG ‘s posts. But here I am heart broken once again, after 5 years of zero contact, I fell into another hoovering last March, started devaluation a month ago and got my discard today. How silly and frustrated I feel of having thrown 5 years of zero contact down the drain! I cry while I write this down. Tomorrow I start all the process over again. Any piece of advice? Thanks in advance

      1. HG Tudor says:

        Recommence no contact, if you have been disengaged you have a head start. I also recommend that you organise a consultation.

  6. Veronique Jones says:

    Wow this is twisted it’s hard to believe that anyone would want this even though I have had the experience many times I will never truly understand this but I am definitely learning to accept that they cannot control this and it only gets worse when I have them back in my life thanks HG 🙏

  7. MB says:

    Nightmare! I haven’t read that article in a while. I felt the seething evil. Cold chills, HG. Some scary shit there. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Lorelei says:

      Well written! Almost dreamy if not a nightmare.

      1. MB says:

        Very well written, but savage.

        1. Lorelei says:

          MB—don’t you ever feel a bit savage? I do—it just disappears quickly! It doesn’t have the thrust of longevity.

    2. Gebakje says:

      They are not all evil. HG is, but your garden variety narcissist is not. Those are unaware and not deliberately abusing you or wanting you to be scared. The average narcissist is living his disorder without knowing it.

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