The Five Wants of the Narcissist



  1. I want your fuel


I want your fuel. I want it all and I want it from you, him, her, them and especially you. I want it from the moment I rise until the moment I am embraced by slumber. I want it pouring over me, potent and plenty, gushing from you. I want your positive fuel, the joy, the adoration, the love, the passion and the praise. I want your negative fuel, the hatred, the anger, the tears and the fear. Pour it over me, immerse me in that edifying, invigorating and sustaining fuel. There is never enough and I want to keep on experiencing the surge as your fuel increases the flames inside me, burning and rising, powering me as I blaze a trail through all that `I do. I want your fuel now, tomorrow and always.

  1. I want to engulf you

I am immense, a giant, a prince amongst men, a behemoth that moves with ease and purpose about the earth. I want to subsume you into me, ensuring that there is no trace of you left as I fully integrate you into what I am. I want my tendrils to reach out to you, feeling their way towards the fuel vapours that emanate from you, their probing senses tracking you down. I want them to coil about you and pull you towards me, binding you to me until steadily I suck you into my world and into my false reality. I want you hooked up, connected, locked-in, attached and embedded as little by little I consume you and encompass you with my greatness. You will not resist for the elation and delight that you experience as this process happens is irresistible. I want to own you, I want you to become part of me, I want there to be no start to you and any end to me.

  1. I want to be the one

I want to be the one that you think of all of the time. I want you to be the person that you orbit around, your sun, your centre of the universe. I want to be the one that is recognised for my greatness, for my brilliance and my achievements. I do not care that I have exaggerated them or stolen them from others whom I have brushed against, stripping away facets of their character to add to my own. I have no care for that. All I care is that I am the one towards whom heads turn when I enter a room. I am the one who is applauded. I want to be the one who leads, conquers and smites. The destroyer of worlds, the creator of new ones, a god. I want to be the one whose power radiates from him so that is tangible to all those who look upon me. I want to be the one who shocks and awes. I want to be the one who does. I want to be the one who rules, who presides and who dictates. I want to be the one you rely on, turn to and devote yourself too. I want to be the one who is credited for all successes, I want to be the one who is your alpha and your omega, your first thought and your last thought. I want to be the one whose name you utter with your dying breath.

  1. I want your essence

I am the stealer of souls, the charlatan that comes and with sugar-coated promises and offers you the world in exchange for your very essence. You never realise that this is the cost of this transaction but I want to suck the essence from within you, drain you of it and consume it for myself. I want to leave you a broken, dried out husk. I want your essence to fill the gaping hole that endures inside of me. I want that sweet, wonderful essence to flow through me, easing the pain, soothing the fevered freneticism and bring comfort and relief. Like a purifying river, I want your essence to course through me, sweeping away the disease that riddles me. I want your essence to wipe away the dirt, remove the smears and eradicate the stains. I know I flirt with all kinds of dirt, but your essence will save me from such temptation. That is why I want it.

  1. I want it to stop

Or do I?

5 thoughts on “The Five Wants of the Narcissist

  1. Whitney says:

    HG the God
    The one who choked me stares at me from a distance during our sport. Does that mean he’s in love with me? That’s an example of my Emotional Thinking.

  2. BC30 says:

    Fuck off.

  3. December Infinity says:

    No, the narcissist won’t want it to stop. He/she will want it to continue and then they have the wants 1-4 again with each victim they interact with but there is no stop at 5. If the narcissists actually follow want number 5 they will have to find a new victim or risk fuel depletion!

  4. Asp Emp says:

    You don’t for very much, do you? 😉

    “The destroyer of worlds, the creator of new ones, a god” – in a way, you, HG, are actually ‘creating a new world’ that the wider population are totally and utterly unaware of.

    I actually described this KTN blog as a ‘different world’ when I told my friend about it. Her eyes widened in surprise. (sniggering, thinking, maybe the videos do not need to be edited, after all LOLOL).

    “I want it to stop. Or do I?” – such a silly statement & question.

  5. karmicoverload says:

    So I guess #3 explains why he lost interest. He realised my marriage would always come first. I think initially he saw my open relationship and was intrigued enough to see if he could close it….with himself and I being the “victors” and my husband being the loser. Guess he thought wrong.

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