So Wrong

Image result for surreal wrong


My ex? Where do I begin? You know, I must admit, I have a propensity to always being right. I cannot help me. It is just the way I am. I work hard to get things right, in my job, who my friends are, making the right decisions in my life and most of all in respect who I choose to spend my intimate days with, but I will hold my hands up on this one. I got it wrong. Spectacularly wrong. I am normally an excellent judge of character. It is an uncanny knack I have, call it a sixth sense if you will. I can usually tell when I meet somebody for the first time whether I will get along with them. I can gauge whether we will become firm friends and enjoy one another’s company. It happens with everyone including you. What did my sixth sense tell me about you? Oh that we have so much in common and we are destined to be together. Don’t ask me why but I just knew it from the moment we met. There is just something about you. This sixth sense has never let me down before but it did with her, I got that all wrong. She was just the wrong person for me but I must have let her charm me or something because I just did not see her for what she really was. She appeared so right yet she was wrong on so many levels. Don’t worry, I know I have not made the same mistake with you, you are different, there is nothing wrong about you. Everything was good at first, I think she managed to pull the wool over my eyes and hide from me whatever it is that is wrong with her. I am still not sure but it was not long before it all went wrong. We had a good time at first, no I will be honest, we had a great time. I put a lot of effort into my relationships. I firmly believe that there should be no half measures. If you want to be with someone then you must give your all to them. There should be complete trust and your heart should only ever be theirs. I did this but it soon appeared that it was not enough. I don’t know what I did wrong, other than actually get into a relationship with her, but it all turned sour. I still don’t know what I did wrong. Whereas she was once attentive and kind, I think it was all a ruse now when I look back, she then showed little interest in me and doing things together. She focussed on her job, her home and her hobbies, almost as if I became an afterthought. When I tried to point this out to her she would just go crazy, I mean full on looney tunes. It was scary the way she would just turn on me and point out all the things that I had done wrong. It made no sense. I gave her everything and yet no matter what I did it was always wrong. I just could not please her. There is something very wrong with her. I could go into detail but you don’t need to hear all about that. I think it is sufficient to say I made a huge mistake entering a relationship with her, I got it entirely wrong, but I have learnt from that error and it will not happen again. I know I have got it right this time.

I was right about you. You are wrong, everything about you is wrong. I knew from the start but I thought I would give you a chance to prove me wrong. I wanted to help you. I saw something in you and thought that things would be all right despite the wrongness that surrounded you. Yet everything I did to makes thing right you just threw back in my face didn’t you? You just had to make everything go wrong didn’t you? You would say the wrong thing, at the wrong time in the wrong situation. You would make wrong decisions, based on the wrong facts and choose the wrong option. You got with the wrong friends and did the wrong things with them for our relationship. You showed the wrong tendencies and you committed so many wrongs I must have forgotten as many as I have remembered them. You are inherently wrong; it runs right through you. You taint everything about you with your wrongness and most of all you made our relationship go wrong. I did nothing wrong. I tried to make things right between us. I persevered and held on as best I could as the wrongs rained down on me. I wanted us to work together but not only were you on the wrong page compared to me, you were reading from the wrong book. You gave me the wrong things, made the wrong comments and did the wrong acts. You infected our relationship with your wrong views and attitude. Everything went wrong and it was all down to you, yet you cannot even accept you are wrong can you? You just kept asking me the wrong questions and giving me the wrong answers. I knew you had something wrong about you as soon as we met but something inside persuaded me to give you a chance to make things right, that you just needed that opportunity and you would grasp it and be thankful that somehow you could crawl from that wrong place you inhabited and that for the first time, suitably encouraged and supported, that you would start to do the right thing. I was so right about how very wrong you are. You wronged me but you will see now that I am going to put things right and I will do so in a way that ensures you will do no wrong ever again. Right?


12 thoughts on “So Wrong

  1. Asp Emp says:

    This image is so good and I like artwork of it. Looking at it from a lateral perspective, it does remind me of HG’s ‘Shade’ article. As if the narcissism is ‘imprisoning’ the person, as the ‘slave’ (the ropes bind) and not being able remove the mirror. For some reason, I also thought ‘punishment’, torture.

  2. Jessica says:

    I barely had to brouse through this and it’s all too familiar. We got into a fight tonight. I can barely stand looking at him… He makes me ill.Freedom shall but at a steep price. I hate everything that he is… I fed into that tonight. Too much vino and not enough self control my bad

  3. twinkletoes says:

    Tubby gave this same spiel to the pastry shop after they introduced/discontinued his cream eclairs….f*ck, I wish I was a cream puff 😢

  4. Mine thought he was right about me, he was soooo wrong and not in the way you imply HG. He thought he could control me, he could not, he thought he could destroy me, he did not!

    I was out on my bike earlier today, and there were many crows in the field I cycled through. As I got close to them, they all flew away and it made me think of you and your wonderful writings HG !

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Why thank you Alexis.

  5. nikitalondon says:

    Love that ends 💔and love that begins ❤️….. a never ending story. Blessed the people who find the right person and end the cycle and remain only in love ❤️
    It is absolutely admirable how you express thoughts and real life situations in words that are so magical to read. 😍😘

  6. 1jaded1 says:

    I would love to meet your ex wife ex. My N2 couldn’t make me say those 2 little words. Awww.

    Right? If you say so.

    Back when you originally posted, I read and became nostalgic around Erasure. They performed in my podunck town when Chorus came out and I hand slapped Andy Bell’s…so did hundreds of other people, let’s make that clear so people know I’m not special. My fave song has lyrics…

    And the message that you sent for me
    Didn’t come with any satisfaction guarantee
    So I return it to the sender and the note attached will read
    How I love to hate you.

    You made my day with the memory.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I do like that album. It reminds me of many things. One of which is the fact that all I am asking is for a little respect.

  7. ann94063 says:

    If she is so wrong for you, then it sounds to me you ought to be thankful you are well rid of her (whether you discarded her or she discarded you)! So, just go about your business and leave her be! Insanity: doing something over and over again and expecting different results (~Albert Einstein).

  8. Steeviann says:

    I love you, I just don’t want to be with you.

  9. Fool me 1 time says:

    So very twisted!!

  10. Maddie says:

    have I read it on previous month’s posts? Or is this a de ja vu? Anyways loved it… You should get medal ¤ for this blog and Your hard job on it ♥

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