Taylor Swift : A Very Performing Narcissist?

130 thoughts on “Taylor Swift : A Very Performing Narcissist?

  1. Anna says:

    Taylor Swift is amazing. I love her. So hope she extends her concert so I can get to see her live.
    Just watched the video for “Blank Space”
    It had me smiling. She is amazing!
    I honestly do not care what other people think about her. To me she is a Goddess! Love her!

  2. Finn says:


    Could you do a video on an analysis of Swift and BPD.

    As I believe she shows many traits of Borderline as well

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You already have your answer in this video. I recommend you watch the video “The Borderline”.

  3. Duchessbea says:

    TS boyfriend seems like a very decent bloke. He comes across as a empath to me. Would you agree?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Which one?

      1. Duchessbea says:

        Lol, the current one. Mr. Alwyn. Perhaps I could be wrong, but he does seem like an Empath to me.

  4. Anna says:

    I love Taylor Swift. The video Anti Hero, made me smile. Especially the part where she is a giant coming into a dinner party with a huge bottle of wine. Everyone runs away and she drinks the tiny bottle. It kind of almos had an Alice in Wonderland kind of feel to it.

    There are some mash up videos on YouTube where they mix her music with heavy metal, alternative music. My favourite being the mix with the Nine Inch Nails. (Link is below)


    Her music radiates. Really yin and yang.

    1. lickemtomorrow says:

      Hi Anna,

      That part of the video clip is very Alice in Wonderland, and no doubt that’s where she got the idea, maybe taking a little bit of Lewis Carroll’s story to add to her character traits as the Anti-Hero. She grew quite a bit larger by the end of the video as well, becoming a third Taylor. I’d love it if HG could interpret the video in terms of her narcissism, like he has done with one of her songs – Blank Space. The part with the funeral is pretty obvious as it relates to her narcissism. The narcissist will seek to retain control even after they’re dead and initiate further infighting. Taylor knows that. It’s why she so completely hits the mark with so many of her songs and lyrics. I think the fact she is able to interpret situations from a number of angles (victim/narcissist) is one of the reasons she qualifies as a Greater. If you’ve read some of HG’s articles, you can see how he so seamlessly is able to place himself in either one’s shoes – sometimes to highlight his extraordinary cognitive empathy, other times to superbly connect to moments where it could be either empath or narcissist speaking. Taylor has this ability. It’s how she remains unseen by many. This is also the way HG is able to connect with us. We feel the connection to our empathic nature and respond. I’m assuming this is one of Taylor’s talents, too. I don’t try not to like her because she is a narcissist. I’m as vulnerable to her siren song as the unaware.

      I’m sure it’s HG’s siren song that has brought us here.

      1. Anna says:

        I don’t know to be honest.

        Regarding this website. I sought it out to help me deal with some seriously bad narcissistic gaslighting that had happened to me. Through my search I came across the work of HG Tudor which has been incredibly helpful to me. In my situation I cannot go no contact so I have to learn how to cope with it. This website has proved to be invaluable. HG speaks from experience as he himself is a greater as he says.

        Regarding Taylor Swift. In my opinion (and of course it’s just my own personal opinion) she is not a greater at all. I love her music. “Shake it off” great when you have had a bad day dealing with bad people. Listening to it makes me feel fantastic. Her music is happy and fun!

        1. lickemtomorrow says:

          Hi Anna,

          I appreciate your comment and did not mean to detract from the very practical and professional side of HG’s work. My apologies to you both if that was in any way implied. I came here as a broken person too, just out of my most recent narcissistic relationship, and HG had an insight and way of providing that insight which I hadn’t found anywhere else. I had also been badly gaslit and this was the place I came to find just how that had happened, why it had happened and the best way to approach my new understanding. It was a gift to discover the mechanisms and mannerisms of narcissism, none of it shying away from the ugly and brutal truth that existed at its heart. My comment was probably more focused on the strange effect of knowing our mentor is a diagnosed narcissistic psychopath and yet has the ability to reach us in a way that defies the logic of what that diagnosis should mean. It can be difficult to marry up those two notions at times, and HG himself has rules for engagement here. Moving aside from that, I’m glad to hear you’ve benefited so much from being here, and it’s the best place to be for getting advice on difficult no contact situations.

          As far as Taylor goes, I’m a fan, and while I accept HG’s assessment of her it doesn’t stop me from appreciating her music. I used “We are Never Ever Getting Back Together” to help with the fallout from my last relationship 🙂

          1. Anna says:

            lickemtomorrow, thanks for your reply.

            Sorry to hear about your gaslighting experience. I prefer the term “survivor” to “victim”
            Try it. Be empowered. Grow and learn from your experience.
            Learn to love yourself and keep the light plus God inside your heart.
            Do not let the darkness prevail. Find strength in who you are!

            Yes, HG his work is very good. His knowledge invaluable, this is because it is straight from the horses mouth. He says it exactly how it is. Just remember though he is a narcissistic psychopath, he does not hide this. Knowledge yes, support no. There is no empathy there.

            Remember that wisely.

  5. lickemtomorrow says:

    Well, Taylor Swift is in the news again with the release of her new album, Midnights.

    Singing about narcissists again – putting herself in that category with the song “Anti-Hero” – I have to hand it to her. She knows what she is, and at the same time isn’t trying to hide it. She relishes the power and influence she has. No wonder you’ve classified her as a Greater, HG.

    The video of the song shows a classic scene at a funeral where relatives end up arguing over a will with the line “she’s laughing up at us from hell” … I think Taylor is laughing at us, and all the way to the bank. The most interesting part is that I appreciate her exposing narcissism for what it is, rather than despise her. I have a lot of time for Greater’s it seems.

    She made a request of fans/followers on YT to share their anti-heroic traits with the #TSAnti-HeroChallenge – plenty of videos already uploaded. Does she want to commune with other narcissists? Does she want to encourage a narcissistic mindset? Is it just an acknowledgement we all have narc traits? Hmmm … the Greater narcissist at work.

    I came across another clip of a young woman who attended high school with Taylor for several months back in the day, just as her career was kicking off. Apparently Swift was hated by many, which was put down partly to peer group envy, and partly to the fact she was writing songs about boys who were still in school saying what “shitty” boyfriends they were. Fast forward several years and in 2009 the entire Senior Class from Taylor’s old school gets invited by her to attend the CMA’s. The class thought it was pretty random at the time and didn’t know why Taylor Swift was inviting them to the CMA’s. That year, Swift received awards for Entertainer of the Year, Female Vocalist of the Year, Album of the Year and Music Video of the Year. The woman in the video obviously hasn’t thought about it much since then, until she puts two and two together – Midnights is released on Kim K’s 42nd birthday. That’s when she starts realising – Taylor Swift is a “petty bitch.” She begins learning about all the other petty things Taylor Swift has done over the years. Her mind is finally illuminated, and it’s time for the big TikTok reveal – “She invited us to the CMA’s to say ‘fuck you’ … ” You don’t say. TikToker also suggests they “deserved it” … the Greater has done it again.

    It’s the touch of the Greater I can appreciate for some reason.

    Dr. Ramani posted a video about the song and my impression is she thinks that Swift is talking as the victim of the narcissist, as opposed to being the narcissist. I disagree, and think our differing impressions relate to the fact that Taylor is exposing narcissism, which can only be a good thing, but Dr. Ramani is being conned by the narcissist.

    Like I said, it’s the touch of the Greater I can appreciate.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Well analysed. She is once again toying with her fans. Dr Plagiariser´s knowledge about narcissism is what she pinches from other people.

      1. Thank you, HG.

        Haha, I’ll have to remember Dr. Plargiariser next time!

        It’s something we agree on.

        What a shame the so called ‘experts’ still can’t get it right.

        Makes me glad I’m here 🙂

        1. Truthseeker6157 says:

          I have a bone to pick with Dr Plagiariser.

          A friend of mine suspected his partner was a narcissist. He listened to Dr Plagiariser and decided that narcissism didn’t quite fit, so he blamed the demise of the relationship on himself instead. It irritates me that he was right, even through raging ET he was right and seeking help. Listening to her made him think he was wrong. It cost him 12 months extra in devaluation.

          She’s far too narrow in her depiction of how narcissism actually shows itself in real life. The parts she gets right are plagiarised. Empaths will look for any flaw in the material to prove to themselves that their partner isn’t a narcissist. The material has to be bang on accurate. Nearly accurate isn’t good enough.

          My friend is now in No Contact and accessing HG’s material.
          Seeing the effects of narcissism in someone else is tougher in some ways than dealing with them yourself.

          Thankfully I have faith that HG’s material will do the job effectively.


          1. HG Tudor says:

            HG approves.

          2. Francine says:

            Could you enlighten me. Is Dr plagiarizing a narcissist herself? I thought HG said she was a narcissist but I could be mixing her up with someone else or got that incorrect. I watched a few of her videos I found them to be quite off the mark. It’s like she’s trying to hit a home run standing with her bat in the outfield she is in the ballpark but she’s never going to get a hit standing out in left field trying to swing her bat. Your friend wasting a year of his life is unfortunate. However, I’ve come across people who can’t handle what HG has to say. The absolute hardest concept for them to understand is the narcissist does not love them they don’t love anyone they’re not capable of love. If they are narcissist they do not have any emotional empathy. None…nothing.. nada. They can’t wrap their head around it it’s too severe. It may be the truth, call it emotional thinking call it whatever you want they just won’t accept it. I have a friend who’s dealing with someone it could save a tremendous amount of pain and wasting of time All that has to be done is to use the narc detector. WILL NOT DO IT. Don’t want to know. Because that would mean having to face the reality that their person. Has no emotional empathy and is not capable of real love. That would mean what their life was a LIE. That’s a hard pill to swallow. It’s like coming out of a cult. Sometimes it just has to happen one step at a time. It may take a little while before they’re ready for what HG has to offer. When they’re ready he’ll be there.

          3. lickemtomorrow says:

            TS 🙂

            I like the way you describe the information around narcissism needing to be “bang on accurate” and agree with you 100%, the reason being empaths are notorious for making excuses for others and being hardest on themselves. The narcissist facilitates this, of course, as they apply their blame shifting techniques coupled with their lack of accountability.

            The worst I saw her do, and which got my ire up immediately, was when she spoke about “Mid-range narcissists”, which was obviously plagiarised from HG’s work, but worse was the explanation she gave around that. It was actually detrimental to try and use this classification without using the entirety of HG’s work and explanation around it. Her description made no sense and created more confusion. Trying to lump this in with the more generally recognised terms used by professionals, such as “covert” and “grandiose” (far less accurate than HG’s terms) muddied the waters to an extent that it would require a rescue team to save you from the misunderstanding it created, at least for me.

            Good to know your friend is on the right track with information provided here. What a shame he lost valuable time in the process before he got here. I think a lot of us have done that. When we get here we realise this is where the “bang on” information can be obtained.

          4. HG Tudor says:

            Correct LET. She did this a year ago last October and demonstrated that she plagiarises and this is underpinned by the fact that she does not know what she is talking about.

          5. Truthseeker6157 says:

            Hi LET 🙂

            Yes, I’ve heard her use Mid Range too. In some ways she is more dangerous because of the way she presents herself. She’s believable, not one of the obvious crazies like that Super Empath guy who wears the lei. Haha! “I know, I’ll add some gravitas, hand me that lei!” Obvious nut job.

            Dr Plagiariser pops up on my feed from time to time, or I’ll be walking the dog, finish an HG video and it will run straight on to one of her videos. YouTube should sort its algorithms out, then I wouldn’t need to stop in the rain to switch her off!

            Agree, I’m sure many empaths lament the fact they didn’t find HG’s material sooner. I’ll fix that when Elon invents time machines.

            Elon on Twitter, this might get interesting!


      2. Miss AGL says:

        I lost all respect for Dr. Plagiariser a long time ago when she went as a guest on Jada Pinkett’s show to talk about narcissism… I mean… seriously?! Jada Pinkett?! And she did the same thing with Jameela Jamil who is the fucking embodiment of NPD. It’s fucking laughable! Plus her video about “dark” empaths (?) is one of the most confusing, inaccurate, and annoyingly incoherent word salads I have ever heard. I rest my case!

        1. HG Tudor says:

          We are in agreement. Dark empaths are just unaware narcissists thinking they sound edgy.

          1. Miss AGL says:

            That’s exactly what I suspected! There are still so many dangerous inaccuracies out there about narcissists and empaths, even by so-called “experts” and personally, I’ve had enough! Especially at this stage of my life, I’ve reached a very healthy point where when I feel the need to further educate myself (or others) about narcissistic abuse, I ONLY watch your videos and I ONLY recommend your channel and books!! Only two years after our last audio consultation and I am still in awe of your amazing work and writing ability! Thank you for everything, HG!

          2. WiserNow says:

            On the few occasions when I have listened to Dr Plagiariser, I thought she rambled and spoke in word salads. Her information is unstructured and unclear.

            I haven’t actually listened to a full video of hers because after a while, I tune out. Her style is conversational, but I find that she repeatedly makes the same points and waffles on, going round and round without actually stating anything with purpose.

    2. Chihuahuamum says:

      Taylor Swift isnt laughing with my money i wouldnt listen for free lol
      I find her to be very shallow and too teeny boppy. She’s obviously high on herself, but the jokes on her because a large portion of the population thinks she’s a has been or never got into her music in the first place.

      1. All I can say is it must have been a shock to everyone, including her fans, when she made history as the first artist with the entire Top 10 on Billboard Hot 100 this week. What an achievement! I’m saying that on the basis that it’s impossible to understand how someone can gain that level of popularity in order to break records which I imagine other famous artists could have more easily done in the past. There’s been so many famous artists and bands, some lasting for generations, not necessarily everyone’s cup of tea but still with huge fandoms. I don’t know how Taylor Swift tops them all in terms of breaking this record, but her status as a Greater has to have something to do with it. I’m interested in how the narcissism creates these “golden moments” and enables them to gain the status others often think they don’t deserve. Proof of that would be many people do consider her to be shallow and teenybopper, as you said, but she still ends up with this chart topping moment. It’s a curiosity, that’s for sure.

        1. Chihuahuamum says:

          Hi Lickem..
          She may be talented, but she’s not my cup of tea. Maybe if I were back in my teens or 20s possibly…no actually lol I was never into that kind of music. I guess it’s my own opinion. Many do live her music. She comes off snooty.

  6. Sarah says:

    My daughter met Taylor backstage at a meet and greet. She and her friends went to a concert, I guess it’s been 10 years, And they were approached by people who asked them if they wanted to meet Swift. It’s worth noting that these people were in their mid twenties and at this point Taylor was very still much a teeny bopper draw. Too, this was back when you could pay another 500 or so (or more) for a backstage VIP experience.

    They were given wrist and they went back stage and were having pizza and the like when Taylor came in. I guess she was pleasant enough, but even then I wondered if they had recruited my daughter and her friends because not enough parents had paid for the back stage Vip experience, and her team would not want Swift to know that.

    Wish there were ways to upload the picture!

  7. Brit Watcher says:

    This is great. I just rewatched Blank Space and Look What You Made Me Do after listening to this and it’s really something how much fun TS has with her narcissism. Makes you root for her all the more, to be honest! Curious, HG Tudor, what you make of her more recent developments as an artist with her low key, pandemic albums, as well as her seemingly stable, long-term current relationship (also low-key)? Can a narcissist grow out of some of the more destructive elements of narcissism and settle down in a stable relationship?

    This whole website has got me thinking about myself when I was younger (like, age 8-14) and wondering if I grew out of narcissistic traits, if that’s possible. Or if what I perceive as possible narcissism back then was just normal development.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      No, your empathic traits overtook your narcissistic ones, you still have narcissistic traits.

  8. lickemtomorrow says:

    Shout out to my girl Taylor Swift on winning “Album of the Year” at the Grammy’s 🙂

    She is a very performing narcissist indeed, and is the first woman to win the award three times! (Frank Sinatra and Simon & Garfunkel being the only other two).

    I feel like celebrating with a song from her Grammy winning album (if HG will let me!) and thank you MB for bringing the album to my attention. So many great songs from the Greater <3


  9. Logi Bones says:

    She is amazing… <3

    1. HG Tudor says:

      Narcissists are amazing too (though not all).

  10. doforluv1 says:

    HG ? I Could you do the singer The Weeknd , I think he could be a middle Greater

  11. BC30 says:


    I wondered, what songs may have been written by empaths, and I am convinced that the greater portion of ABBA’s catalog was written by empaths.

    “Does Your Mother Know” is an obvious contender, not lyrics I would expect to be written by a pervy N lacking boundaries and accountability. They’ve been on repeat for three days now.

    I may be wrong, but that’s my two-cent conclusion..

    1. A Victor says:

      I really hope you’re right! I am not big on pop songs to begin with but ABBA is one group I came to love as a child, not sure where I even heard them, but they can’t be narcissistic! I will ignore it, in this case, if it turns out they are!

    2. alexissmith2016 says:

      I’m not that familiar with many ABBA songs, I know the big hits of course. But as I understand it Bjorn (a likely N) wrote ‘A winner takes it all’ and made Agnetha sing it. Sounds like an act of control to me. I suspect Agnetha is an E. But ABBA was before my time so not something I’ve given huge amounts of thought to.

  12. Empath007 says:

    Well since Taylor and I are at a very safe distance from one another all I can say is… Go Taylor ! Someone’s got to be out there fighting against Sexism. And who better then a Middle Greater Narc who’s famous and influential.

  13. BonnieLou says:

    She met her match when she got seduced by Harry “I knew you were trouble” Styles..😉

  14. BC30 says:

    The internet is atwitter that she made a “signal” that she is a victim of domestic abuse. A hand signal some say she used while appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live. If she did, it was done with a specific intent.

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I suggest you hijack the twitter gabble with a link to my video.

      1. Asp Emp says:


    2. lickemtomorrow says:

      What is this hand signal you speak of, BC30?

      1. BC30 says:

        Hold your hand up, palm open as if you are going to wave. Fold your thumb onto your palm, then fold your four fingers over your thumb. You end up with a closed fist, but your thumb is tucked inside. When she was making this signal she was talking about codes, like secret messages and such.

        I think the fact that she was talking about Easter eggs and hidden messages in her music and art in the interview is what made people think that she was making the special signal and not that she just happened to close her hand in that manner.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Maybe her thumb was cold.

          1. lickemtomorrow says:

            She was tucking it in to keep it warm 🙂

        2. lickemtomorrow says:

          Thanks, BC30. We know she came from a LOCE environment, so it’s possible. Unless she is just aware of the code and used it as an example without saying that. Curious.

          1. BC30 says:

            Honestly, knowing she’s a Greater, I think she’s just messing with us.

        3. Asp Emp says:

          It does sound like part of the sign “shit”. People are saying things that may not necessarily be factually correct. Maybe she used to suck her thumb as a child and was ‘replicating’ that by doing what she did at this time.

  15. lickemtomorrow says:

    Do you mean this comment, HG?

    “Hiding in plain sight and laughing at all you victims”

    I guess that sums up the Greater Narcissist. Definitely have the wool pulled over my eyes!

    1. HG Tudor says:

      I do and of course the lyrics to “Blank Space”.

      1. lickemtomorrow says:

        They are clues 🙂

        Another reason to improve our cluehunting skills.

        Thank you, HG.

      2. Empath007 says:

        ha !

        Boys only want love if it’s torture.
        Don’t say I didn’t warn ya

        This lead my train of thought to gender differences though and how this affects the females ability to seduce men. Are the lower and middle range female narcissist less affective at finding empath men (I would assume empath men are not exactly a dime a dozen). Therefore they more often have to deal with normals and narcissits who are not as affected by them ?

        1. HG Tudor says:

          There are plenty of empathic men.

          1. Empath007 says:

            Really ? I have not experienced this in my own life. Most all men I meet are normal or narcissists. Also, since society regards empathetic traits as “weak” I would imagine the narcissist women often seeks someone she regards as more powerful ? … there has got to be some gender differences at play here, men, for the most part, still hold a lot of the cards. Part of the reason there has yet to be a female president of the United States. I’ve witnessed a mid range female narc float from relationship to relationship and she was not good at identifying empaths and often went for normal and narcs. When she finally did land a empath, the difference in how she treated him vs the others was alarming. Suddenly she wasn’t afraid to show he true colors and abuse him, but with the narc she dated she was always sweet as pie. The man still had the upper hand (he was also a different school then her and more aware).

      3. JB says:

        Just googled these lyrics, as I know nothing about Taylor Swift. Eye-opening!

  16. FoolMe1Time says:

    Was David Bowie a greater?

    1. HG Tudor says:

      You shall have to use Know the Narcissist, FM1T!

      1. FoolMe1Time says:

        Thanks HG.
        I tried to find it and wasn’t able to, that’s why I ask you. Apologies if it is something you already answered.

        1. HG Tudor says:

          Do you mean you cannot find the relevant item in the Knowledge Vault FM1T?

          1. FoolMe1Time says:


          2. FoolMe1Time says:

            No I cannot find the relevant item in the knowledge vault. However, now that I know it is in there someplace I’ll keep looking. Thank you HG.

          3. HG Tudor says:

            There you go https://gum.co/vCWsW

          4. FoolMe1Time says:

            Thank you HG. You’re the best! Xx

          5. HG Tudor says:

            You are welcome.

    2. Alexissmith2016 says:

      What prompts you to ask that question FM1T? If you don’t mind my asking. I’m interested to know how other peoples thought processes work.

      1. FoolMe1Time says:

        No problem Alexis2016. I saw it was the anniversary of his death on Facebook the other day. I figured he had to be a narcissist because I absolutely loved him! I just didn’t know anything else.

        1. A Victor says:

          I loved him too. I was always so happy he stayed in a seemingly happy marriage.

          1. BC30 says:

            “Seemingly”…I’m curious about it. I was researching Iman a couple days ago. Gorgeous.

          2. A Victor says:

            When it comes to marriages, I never assume. Everyone thought my ex and I were the happiest, most in love couple on the planet. And yes, she is gorgeous!

          3. A Victor says:

            BC30, I think I see what you mean, I worded that poorly. I always tend to admire Hollywood or otherwise famous people who are married for a long time. I should’ve said I was always so happy for he and Iman that they were happily married, or at least it appeared so, for such a long time. I think that’s better?

    3. Renarde says:

      FM1T and Alexis

      For sure, Bowie was a very intresting character. In fact, I became a tad obsessed with him this summer.

      China Girl is a very intresting song. Especially with the video.

    4. WhoCares says:

      Oooh, good question FM1T…you have me wondering.

      1. FoolMe1Time says:

        I still don’t know the answer WC. I’ve been to busy and have not had enough time to check it out.

        In case I don’t have time to drop back in WC, hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year !😘💞

  17. lickemtomorrow says:

    Oh, thank you WokeAF 🙂

    I put her in the mid range due to her seeming lack of awareness (e.g. the song about narcs!) Maybe she is aware and that’s why she wrote the song. She is pulling the wool over our eyes 😉

    1. HG Tudor says:

      She is, hence the comment at the end of the video/article.

      1. Bibi says:

        I thought ‘Blank Space’ was a pretty clever video and song. And how about ‘The Man’? That too was funny. Insights into narcissism, indeed.

        Her music is ok to me. I don’t go out of my way to listen but if her song is on it doesn’t bother me.

        1. Bibi says:

          I subscribe to ‘word of the day’ email.

          Then I am just like, who the fuck would say this? Who would use this in a sentence? I don’t think I want to be friends with them.

          Part of speech: noun
          Origin: Latin, mid 19th century

          The art or practice of bell-ringing.

          Examples of Campanology in a sentence

          “We knew he played the piano, but his expertise at campanology surprised us.”

          “The art of campanology is kept alive during the holiday season.”

          Literally, who the fuck talks like this? Nothing to do with Swift, but sometimes these words are ridiculous.

          1. HG Tudor says:

            This word is not ridiculous at all. It is the correct term for someone who engages in bell-ringing. I was a campanologist when I was a child.

          2. Asp Emp says:

            Wow, HG. Very few people do that these days.

            There is something about church bells ringing in small villages, it’s a change from towns / cities where there is too much traffic or people noise. I lived in a temporary flat for a while in a really small village and it was close to a church and I’d hear the bells ringing (even when the windows were shut – laughing). It was strange moving there for a while after leaving London 20 years ago – the people knew I was an ‘outsider’ and were so damned nosey “Oh, you’re not from around here” – they wanted to know EVERYTHING but I didn’t know them so I gave them nothing.

            HG, you have so many skills & it’s great that you were a campanologist.

          3. Bibi says:

            Oh Cripes. I knew you would say that. Really? A campanologist?

            You used that word in your youth? Like, in sentences? When I was growing up no one ever spoke like that.

            They were too busy watching prime time and getting drunk.

          4. HG Tudor says:

            Yes. I learned what it meant because the head teacher asked me what it meant and I didn’t know, so I looked it up in the library. We were the handbell team and didn’t know it was called campanology. After that, I did and the next time he asked, I had the answer.

          5. lickemtomorrow says:

            That’s so interesting, HG. Campanology looks very physical so I’m not sure what bells they had you ring or how old you were, but it is a very important tradition. They say demons don’t like the sound of bells ringing, but I don’t think that is the reason most churches have them. And I’m guessing it was church bells you were ringing.

          6. HG Tudor says:

            No, hand bells.

          7. lickemtomorrow says:

            Thank you for clarifying, HG. I’ve seen some performances of hand bell being rung and it looks like quite a complex task. I wonder if you being ambidextrous made any difference?

          8. HG Tudor says:

            We all played with two bells. I could read music from aged 5 so I actually joined the handbell team one year earlier at age 9, when normally you did so at 10. I played for two years. Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring was my favourite piece.

          9. Asp Emp says:

            Read music from aged 5? Just brilliant.

          10. Bibi says:

            And for a word about ringing, it has a terrible ring to it. Clunky AF. Terrible word.

            It’s like ‘buttress.’ What a horror show that is. I think that is my least fave English word. That, and rubber.

          11. HG Tudor says:

            It comes from Campana which is Latin for bell. I think it sounds better if you say it in an Italian way, than English.

          12. BC30 says:

            This is when I’m grateful that I speak a Romance language. I deduced the meaning.

            I really want to learn another language and was going to begin classes before the pandemic.

          13. Bibi says:

            Thank you for your response, HG. I am so pleased to hear you looked it up. As I mentioned, it is not a word one hears, at least when I was growing up. My early upbringing was not as astute as yours. Needless to say, I know what the word means now.

            Such is learning.

            My point was that every so often I get these words get sent to me where I don’t know WTF they mean. But in the back of my mind I think, ‘I’ll bet you HG does.’

            And I was right!! You knew!!!

            Fuckin’ A.


          14. lickemtomorrow says:

            Thank you for sharing more on that, HG. That was very young in terms of being able to read music and you obviously were talented to make the grade a year earlier. Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring is a beautiful piece.

          15. HG Tudor says:

            Thank you.

          16. Bibi says:

            HG, that makes sense. Do you know what one of my biggest regrets is? Not taking Latin when I was 14. I can’t even tell you what a mistake that was.

            Yes, while I could take it now, blah blah, etc., That is not the point. I have missed out on all the memories in the interim. It was a terrible, terrible choice.

            Instead I took DOS computer programming. How horrible. And guess who recommended that shit? Socio Lesser Daddy.

          17. HG Tudor says:

            I studied Latin between the ages of 11 and 13.

          18. WhoCares says:

            You were in a handbell choir HG?

            Well, never in a million years would I have guessed we had that in common.

          19. HG Tudor says:

            Team for me as I am British, but I understand you would call is a choir or an ensemble. Well, now I can write to you, I used to play handbells does that ring a bell with you WC?!

          20. WhoCares says:


          21. Bibi says:


            You just said the same thing my Spanish speaking friend said. “I didn’t know the word, I deduced the meaning,” is what he said.

            As an American, I don’t speak anything.

          22. Bibi says:

            Sciency pal wrote me: “campanologist. Is the study of sounds caused by vibrations. I think I heard about it in physics class.”

          23. HG Tudor says:

            Good pun.

          24. Asp Emp says:

            “campanologist. Is the study of sounds caused by vibrations” – oh? Sounds like my kind of language.

          25. lickemtomorrow says:

            I was going to start Tai-Chi before the pandemic. I had no idea all those slow movements add up to an awesome option for self defense.

          26. NarcAngel says:

            Sorry to interrupt…

            HG – call for you. Someone named Anita Ward. Sounded urgent.

          27. HG Tudor says:

            Ha ha…for me? Yay! Go me!

          28. JB says:

            I love that you looked it up, HG. Even easier to do nowadays, with Google, etc. I am always googling different things, can’t stand not knowing what something means!

          29. HG Tudor says:

            Indeed, knowledge, correct knowledge is valuable.

          30. Asp Emp says:


          31. NarcAngel says:

            ” I studied Latin between the ages of 11 and 13.”

            Do you remember her name?

            I learned a little Latin from gardening and wished it had been offered in my school. It’s fun to see the look on someone’s face when the ask what that vine is on my obelisk and I say:

            Ampelopsis Brevipedunculata instead of Porcelain Berry Vine. Also, I cleaned up once at a garden sale because all of the tags were in Latin (but I spent most of the time explaining what the plants were to people).

          32. HG Tudor says:

            Ha ha, Benedicta Bugeranus (and yes the last name is Latin, it is the scientific name for the Wattled Crane)

          33. fox says:

            That’s about the extent of my Latin knowledge too, NA. I’m a big plant nerd. That and the songs we sang in chorus when I was younger, but those were mostly just “kyrie eleison” over and over.

          34. NarcAngel says:

            Benedicta Bugeranus

            Sounds more fitting for a member of Clergy than a bird.

          35. HG Tudor says:

            Oh undoubtedly there is someone in the clergy nicknamed that, NA.

          36. BC30 says:


            I love that you have singled out words! I do it too. I dislike “moist,” but “silver” is a big fave.

            I tried to learn Arabic (complete fail!), so I think I will stick to romance languages. I also play the piano… I think. Haha I haven’t played in decades, mostly due to lack of piano, but I’m sure it would all come back to me.

            #1 was too handsome to care about being multilingual. #2 claimed to know a number of other languages…but he clearly did not.

          37. NarcAngel says:

            A guy can be posh and speak 7 languages, but if he’s not fluent in cunnilingus he’s dead to me.

          38. HG Tudor says:

            You just learn to speak with your mouth full and all will be well.

          39. JB says:


          40. JB says:

            Think my reply to you (HG) went in the wrong place! I meant ‘agreed’ to what you said about correct knowledge being valuable, not to your comment about learning to speak with your mouth full!

          41. A Victor says:

            That’s quite the mistake JB. I thought you were being very forthright. ☺️

          42. JB says:

            AV, I know! Thought I had better clarify! 😁🙈

          43. A Victor says:

            JB, good call! But I was falling asleep last night and this popped into my head and I busted out giggling! It wasn’t intended but I appreciate the giggle!

          44. JB says:

            Ah I am glad it made you laugh, AV! You can’t beat a good chuckle!

          45. Sarah says:

            I was part of the handbell choir as a child. Loved it!

      2. Sarah says:

        To me, it seems sociopathic as well…

  18. lickemtomorrow says:

    I’ve had my say on Taylor very recently, but listening to this (and enjoying it) after reading the article as well I am intrigued again at the very short length of her relationships for the most part. I wasn’t too focused on those before, but they stick out like a sore thumb now. Ouch! Poor guys. Interestingly she has a song about narcissists – with the word in the song. In fact, it’s in the first line: “I never trust a narcissist, but they love me …” I guess she’s just loving herself there 🙂

    I don’t know if we have her school or cadre, but she would appear to be an unaware mid range narcissist, hence her ability to call others the narcissist (although she would be right about Kanye West). I had a giggle when I was reminded of the Taylor (Lautner)/Taylor (Swift) combo. Curious to know if any of her entanglements were with other narcs, which could very well be likely in the industry she is in. I’d say John Mayer might be a narc so I wasn’t too concerned at his sob story.

    Laughing still at the notion of a doll with a phone as per Joe Jonas 😛 She sure knows payback tactics and is the ultimate woman scorned.

    Her songs, their lyrics and her ability to hold her own in the dog eat dog world of music lends me to having a soft spot for her. She was young when she achieved fame and was likely coerced into it. She has been philanthropic and raised awareness around some important issues.

    I have to say I love her song “We are Never Ever Getting Back Together”, especially the line “this is exhausting. Like we are never ever getting back together” Exactly how I felt with my last narc with all the ups and downs and goes around. This song has put a smile on my face and a song in my heart again today <3

    1. WokeAF says:

      HG has her as a very self aware Middle Greater.

      1. WokeAF says:

        *of Elite cadre

        1. WhoCares says:

          Hi WokeAF,

          Thanks for sharing that.
          How are things going for you?
          How is school?

        2. BC30 says:


  19. Asp Emp says:

    HG’s article posted on 11th December – https://narcsite.com/2020/12/11/poison-in-thine-ear-no-1/
    breaking this particular song, showing ‘narcspeak’

    I attached the full song from YT – https://youtu.be/IZDReMwYM0Y

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